We're Here to Help - Our FAQ's

 The following list of frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) has been put together to help answer common questions that we have received about VacvaVibe property management software. If you can’t find the answer to your question, please contact us. Thanks!

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VacaVibe is an innovative way for vacation rental owners to manage their properties themselves.

Anyone who wants to increase their vacation rental properties profits, ratings and reviews should list their vacation rental with VacaVibe.

VacaVibe makes it easy for the individual property owner to list their vacation homes, condos and short-term rentals in the places travel agencies and real estate websites use to search and book vacation rentals.

Web development experience is NOT required. When you become a VacaVibe member, you are provided a user id and password to login to VacaVibe. Once you log in, you can create your property listing by filling in a simple form. A generic template has already been developed to format your web page so that it appears as a professionally completed site. That’s it! Quick and easy! It takes most individuals less than one hour to set up.

Once owners list their vacation rentals on VacaVibe, they will automatically disseminate to your choice of channels, including Vacation Travel By Owner (VTBO), Airbnb, the HomeAway Family, Booking.com, Expedia, Google, and other niche travel sites, including BreckenridgeRental.com.

The types of vacation rentals supported by VacaVibe continue to grow. At this time, VacaVibe supports vacation homes, condos, and all short-term rental properties.

It’s best to update listings whenever there is a change to rates and availability or if something has changed at the property that would be important to a guest. Updates can be made as often as needed and changes are automatically propagated out via channel integration.

You do not have to use VacaVibe exclusively and are free to utilize other means – including other property management companies and tools. However, as VacaVibe is a real-time reservation system, you are required under membership terms to use the inventory management system to keep inventory current within VacaVibe. Inventory management is easy to do with simple updates to the inventory per VacaVibe administration pages. PLEASE DON’T DOUBLE-BOOK! Remember that VacaVibe properties are automatically included in online reservation sites including VTBO.com and BreckenridgeRental.com. Our website will lose credibility if we book properties that are not available. Also, the overhead associated with multiple inventory control systems is high. VacaVibe.com requires the use of our Inventory Management system to keep overall costs down.

VacaVibe membership terms require the property owner to keep inventory rates current in the VacaVibe system. If the property manager cannot accept a reservation due to an error in keeping inventory management updated, please contact us immediately. As the property owner, you will be responsible for returning 100% of the reservation fee. VacaVibe will not refund the reservation fee, which means that this is an expense you will have to incur. In addition, VacaVibe reserves the right to cancel your membership due to failure to comply to membership terms. If your membership is canceled due to failure to comply to membership terms, any membership fees collected to date will not be refunded.

Let’s be honest here. Some of you may want to save the reservation fee if you’re renting to someone that you know and can accept a check rather than a credit card. That’s perfectly okay and within the terms of your membership agreement. However, be sure to update your inventory to mark these dates as “unavailable” to prevent double-bookings! VacaVibe does not recommend renting to individuals that you do not know without utilizing a credit card. Think of your property as a mini-hotel. All hotels require a credit card on file for any damages or expenses incurred during stay. It’s excellent protection for you as a business owner. Also, note that owner stays are not coordinated with automated emails nor included within the VacaVibe tools, such as the mobile application or housekeeping application.

You have two options in this instance. 1) You can direct your potential renter directly to your VacaVibe website to reserve your property. Note that there will not be any links from your page to other VacaVibe properties, so you don’t need to worry about competition. 2) You can go online yourself and reserve for your renter by completing the reservation yourself. Be sure to have name (as it appears on the credit card), address, email, phone, and credit card information. The VacaVibe recommendation is to utilize option one as often as possible. When the renter’s reserve online, they automatically agree to be bound by the terms of the rental and you have less exposure for cancellations and potential refunds.

Yes, VacaVibe does have a reservation fee for all reservations booked online via VacaVibe or any of their affiliate sites. This fee will be deducted from the amounts sent to you for the reservation. Think of VacaVibe as your online travel agent. You only pay when you receive confirmed bookings for your rental property. And, our commission rate is considerably less than other well-known travel agencies, which have a general commission rate of 25% or more.

Credit card fees are 3% of the total reservation amount (rate plus taxes) and paid by the property owner. Credit card fees are deducted similar to the reservation booking fee prior to sending reservation monies to the property owner. Let’s take an example.

Reservation Amount: $1,000
Sales Tax Collection: $104 (based on 10.4% sales tax in this example)
The amount charged on Credit Card: $1,104

Credit Card Fee: $33.12 (3% of $1,104)
Reservation Booking Fee: $100 (10% of reservation amount)

Amount Due Property Owner: $970.88
Note: Property Owner is responsible for paying all taxes as applicable. The property manager sets the tax rate during property set up. The tax amount is simply passed on to the property owner.

You are not under any contractual obligations and are free to cancel your membership and stop using our property management software at any time. Note that any monies collected will not be subject to refund. For example, if you sign up for a one-year membership and cancel after six months, no refund will be due to you. Our recommendation is if you are not confident in a yearly membership, try a monthly membership. We’re confident that you’ll find value with VacaVibe and stick around for the remainder of the year.

Based on your property’s rental management reports, you will be able to keep track of the reservations made. VacaVibe will issue you a check at the end of the month in which the rental occurred. For example, if you have a reservation for Jan 1 – Jan 7, 2004, you would get paid for that rental (minus credit card and reservation booking fee) at the end of January. Merchant accounts require that the funds are not transferred to sub-parties in the agreement until after the services are incurred, or in this case, until after the rental has occurred.

As this system is property management by owner, the contact information on each reservation will be the property owners. Name, email address and phone number of the property owner will be provided to the property renter and will be visible on the VacaVibe website.

Cancellations are accepted 60 days before arrival. Cancellation information appears on the rental confirmation letter sent to the renter. If the renter cancels, you will be notified per email and/or fax. The dates previously booked will be opened back up as available inventory. As is typical on vacation and short-term rental properties, VacaVibe and it’s affiliate sites do not accept cancellations less than 60 days from the arrival date.

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