We pay you for sharing business with us

Earn $$

with Our Real Estate Referral Program

Help Your Clients Cash Flow, Protect Future Earnings, and Make Money



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Have a client who is looking to purchase a vacation rental investment property or perhaps you’ve just closed a deal?

Is cash flow an important consideration for your client? We can help.

Send us a referral and we promise to take excellent care of our mutual client.



We’ll connect & guide them through how they can improve cash flow on their vacation home.

With low commission rates and a built in channel manager (Airbnb, VRBO and more!), most will benefit from our Smart Software Vacation Rental Platform.

Alternatively, you can also publish and utilize our personalized referral tools and your own referral link.



When a new client signs up with us, we will pay you 25% of the subscription fees earned on our Smart Software!

When the client renews, we again pay you 25% of the subscription fees earned on our Smart Software!

Unlimited for the life of the client.

Our Real Estate Referral Program Can Help Seal Your Real Estate Deal!

Cash Flow May Tip the Deal One Way or the Other
Many owners depend on rental income in order to be able to afford to purchase an investment property. Showing your clients how they can increase the cash flow on their property may allow them to lock into a purchase contract or potentially even increase their investment budget.

It is a Win-Win for You and Your Client
Our focus in on providing a low cost vacation rental management option in addition to the full service management companies you may recommend in your area. Your clients will thank you for providing them with options in the marketplace to help them to cash flow their new property!

You Keep Your Clients
We are not in the real estate business, we are a software company. You can rest assured that we’ll never steal your clients. Plus, when you send us a referral, we help your client to be more successful with their vacation rental property AND you increase your chances of having them come back to you to upgrade or purchase an additional investment property.

We’ll Make You Look Good
We believe in professionalism. Our extensive knowledge of the vacation rental industry and proven track record of pleasing our clients allows you to refer with confidence, knowing that we will do our best to make us both look good.

We’ll Pay You!
We will pay you 25% of the subscription fee earned when your client signs up for our Smart Software! And, it doesn’t stop there. Many of our clients stay with us for years and you’ll also be paid out on any subscription renewals! Payout is easy and unlimited via our Win-Win Real Estate Referral Program.

Ready to Make More Money?
Let’s Get Connected…

How Much Can You Make?

How Do Your Refer a Client to Us?

Sign up To Become an Real Estate Referral/Affiliate Partner

Provide Your Direct Personal Website Link to Potential Clients.

    Add Our Personalized Website Flyer to your Property Listings in the MLS (with links to your personal affiliate website).

Send Our Promotional Flyer to Your Existing Clients (with links to your personal affiliate website).

Refer a Client Directly To Us.

Payout is Automatic

With Direct Stripe & Affiliate Partnership, all Subscriptions and Renewals are automatically tracked to payout on both initial subscription and all renewals, for the life of that client.

It’s A Win-Win Referral Program

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